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Aius Locutius


The Divine Voice that Warned Rome

Aius Locutius: The God of Speech

As the Roman Republic faced impending doom, a divine voice echoed through the streets, warning of the impending invasion of the Gauls. This voice belonged to Aius Locutius, the God of Speech, who became a symbol of hope and guidance in a time of crisis.

In the tumultuous year 389 BCE, as the Gallic hordes marched towards Rome, a certain Caedicius heard a disembodied voice echoing through the night. The voice, clear and commanding, uttered a chilling prophecy: "Gauls are coming; beware the Gauls."

Fear and panic gripped the hearts of the Romans. They had never faced such a formidable enemy before. Desperation drove them to seek divine guidance, and they turned to Aius Locutius, the God of Speech. They believed that his words held the key to their salvation.
